Thursday, May 20, 2010

A very scary thing

Isaac recently had his first REALLY sick episode. He ran fever for three days straight. On the first day, his fever spiked up to 103, which was when I really began to worry. Tylenol would reduce his fever, but never got rid of it, so on the third straight day of fever we reluctantly gave him motrin before he went to bed. Luckily, he woke up the next morning with only a very low grade fever which was completely gone by mid-morning. The odd part of all of this is that he didn't have any other symptoms. Not one. No runny nose, no cough, no reduced appetite... weird. Come to find out, his cousin, Greyson, suffers from the same nonsensical bouts of fever. Poor boys... us Rhodes's have weird genes. Isaac's being treated for an ear infection, but the doctor openly admitted that his ear was only "a little red". I, personally, don't think he had an infection, but what do I know?

Here's a picture of Isaac on his first day of fever. This was one of the rare moments in which he tolerated sitting rather than being held. He was so incredibely hot to the touch with fever that I decided to drape a cool wash cloth on his head. I fully expected him to yank it off and either toss it to the side or suck on it, but he actually seemed to appreciate it. Poor baby boy. Mama's so glad that you're feeling better!!

When your child is sick with no explanation, it's a very scary thing. Terrible thoughts of serious possible illnesses began racing through my mind as his fever persisted. I also had thoughts like "What will I do if he's seriously ill?", and "How can I ever live without him?". Yes, I know... dramatic. But I'm sure all the Moms out there can relate! Plus, I come by the worry-wartedness honestly. That's the Thurlkill in me. :)

Dear Lord, thank you so much for the blessing of our healthy, happy little boy.